- Sold for $3,12
- 2024-01-24
- Donated to Saint George
by @juanitoalive
Financial Art to help children in poverty.
(Strict order of
Current Price
Getting price...
Continuous annual growth 3%
Each new sale increases the
Current Price up to 20%
- Sold for $2,84
- 2022-07-03
- Donated to Change
- Sold for $2,58
- 2022-06-06
- Donated to Pilares
- Sold for $2,17
- 2022-02-11
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,79
- 2021-10-18
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,63
- 2021-10-11
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,55
- 2021-10-05
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,48
- 2021-09-25
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,41
- 2021-09-24
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,38
- 2021-09-23
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,32
- 2021-09-22
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,20
- 2021-09-21
- Donated to FTT
- Sold for $1,00
- 2021-09-20
- Donated to FTT